Country Coastal Junior Soccer Carnival
One of our CCJSA clubs Bunbury United are running the Food Marquee again this year, you can come and go through the day purchasing as you need or you can place an order via email and pick up to cut the que or have a look in the morning and place an order and pick up ready for the lunch break. The options are yours. If you are wanting to place an order via email contact Marina on:
It is important that all teams participating have a well stocked First Aid Kit to cater for all games scheduled over the weekend. Although there will be First Aid at the carnival the First Aid Post is for more serious injuries, it is the teams responsibility to have the standard supplies you would have at games durin the season ice packs, Band Aids, Tape ETC.
First Round will start at 9am Saturday
On registration each team manager will be given RED or BLUE carnival wrist bands for each registered player depending which group their team is in. These bands are to be kept on through the entire Carnival NO wrist band NO game.
Make sure that if you dont have an away kit to please bring bibs incase your colours are similar to the home team.
(whom ever is first on fixtures).
We want to see and hear everyone cheering and encouraging the teams on at the side lines, respect the umpires and remember to be supportive of everyone on the pitch.
Lightning Policy
CCJSA Bunbury Carnival
Lightening Policy Lightning presents a real risk of death or serious injury to outdoor sports participants. It accounts for around 10 deaths and over 100 injuries in Australia each year. Lightning does not need to directly strike a person to cause death or serious injury. A person touching, or close to, an object struck by lightning may be affected by a side-flash or transferred energy (for example, being within 20m of a tree struck by lightning is considered to be in the lethal zone). Participants must not let the desire to start or complete a match hinder their judgment when the safety of players, coaches or spectators is at risk.
The threat to personal safety is greatest if a person is outdoors when a thunderstorm is local. Experts consider that a safe distance from lightning is more than 10km. Therefore, when lighting is within 10km, appropriate shelter should be sought. In the absence of specific information from a weather radar or specialised lightning warning device, the 30/30 Guideline should be used. Note that lightning may be obscured by clouds. If thunder is heard, you should assume lightning is in the vicinity. Similarly, just because there are blue skies overhead, does not mean that the danger has passed. Careful judgment must always be used to determine whether a threat exists. If in doubt, stop outdoor activities and seek safety under an appropriate shelter.
The 30/30 Lightning Safety Guideline
The 30/30 Guideline has two parts. The first part deals with when participants should stop outdoor activity and seek protection under an appropriate shelter. The second part deals with when it is safe to return to outdoor activities.
Part 1 - Stop the activity - If the time between seeing a lightning flash and hearing a thunder clap is less than 30 seconds, the thunderstorm is within 10km (as sound travels at approximately 340m per second). Stop all outdoor activity immediately and seek appropriate shelter indoors such as in a solid building or totally enclosed car (conventional fabric shelters and tents offer no protection). Do not seek shelter under a tree (or group of trees) in the open or in small open structures. Do not touch or stand close to any metallic structures, including wire fences, light towers or goal posts. If you are caught on an open field away from any shelters, keep as low and small as possible (crouch, keeping the feet together and do not touch any objects or people near you) .
Part 2 - When it is safe to resume the activity - You should wait a minimum of 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder is heard before resuming the activity.
Match Results
If in the event that it is deemed unsafe by the CCJSC Carnival Officials to continue any matches once they have commenced (regardless of the time lapsed),a siren will sound over the loud speaker for approx. 10 sec’s and it will be accompanied by a spoken message telling all referees to stop the games in progress immediately and advising all people to move to a safe area. Scores will be recorded by the referee and the score for the games in progress will be taken as the full time score and points will be awarded accordingly. There will be no re-scheduling of matches.
If lightening is in the vicinity, and it is deemed unsafe by the CCJSC Carnival Officials to start matches at their scheduled time, these matches will be recorded as a nil / nil draw and each team will receive points accordingly. There will be no rescheduling of matches.
All information will be communicated to all players, coaches, club officials, referee’s and spectators via the loud speaker system.